Multi-modal network (Air + Surface)
Same day & next day delivery
Cash / digital payment solutions
Reverse logistics partner
Handling of 3 Kg to 30 Kg weight parcels
Drone as a service

Seamless logistics for your e-commerce business
We have an extensive reach and strong footprint with over 3,700+ facility centers strategically located across 29 states and 6 union territories, offering end-to-end logistics solutions across India.
Our quest for technology and automation to efficiently deliver orders is never-ending. We use AI/ML systems to optimize routes, minimize location errors, and reduce RTO rates while efficiently planning and managing inventory and orders.
Our 15,616 well-trained and skilled force ensure high standards of quality, performance and response 24 X 7 everyday. They are powered by optimal logistics solutions.
Our digitized end-to-end operations enhance the speed of our pick-up and delivery services leading to efficiency through improved utilization.